How can it be so tiring sitting there all day, being polite while crocheting away?.........I don't know but by heck it was.
Here is the venue, used to be a hotel apparently but it is now quite exclusive sheltered accommodation, looks like it would have been quite a spectacular hotel in its hey day.
Listening to other stall holders, it seemed a bit quiet but as I had nothing to judge it by, I was quite happy, I sold a number of small toys and hair accessories, one of which was a custom order placed that afternoon by a stall holder, gave a short crochet lesson to another stall holder and had many a conversation with passers-by about the joy of crochet in general.
I also saw an old work colleague, from more than 10yrs ago so some catching up was done there (small world isn't it?).
So yes, first fair done, plenty of stock left, have much more time now to make more stock and it will not be in such a frenzied manner as it has been this last month (as that was how much notice I had), so now I can get back on with the wedding prize of mine that a bride for June won in a recent competition as well as working on some of the bridal shawls I have the materials for and that I am dying to make a start on...but that is likely to be another post.
Hope to see you all soon, I am off for a well deserved sit down and a brew I think.